The Art of Worship Planning

How to plan creative, inspiring, inclusive and revitalizing worship. Without killing yourself.

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Too many worship experiences today either feel anemic and soul-less, or like praise-fests to a tribal “take care of me and mine” God, versus a God who stands with and for the marginalized - a God for all of us. But how can we begin to change that?

Having a well-informed, focused, and vital worship planning process can help.

This workshop will start with big questions like: What do we think worship is? What do we imagine it could be? How can we make it an experience that’s truly meaningful and engaging for more people, for those who live in a very different world than our parents and grandparents did?

But it will also get quickly to pressing practical questions like: how can we plan a creative, inclusive and inspiring worship experience every week when we have a kazillion other things we need to do? How can we reduce the stress and exhaustion of worship planning? How can we build a planning team that works well together? How can pastors and musicians get on the same page? How can we train worship leaders to truly lead versus “perform”?

Full of fresh ideas, practical tips and helpful resources, this is a workshop perfect for every pastor, worship leader, church musician, seminary student and pretty much anyone interested in worship renewal.

This workshop can also be customized to focus on a particular season of the church year (Advent, Lent, etc) or for specific themes (Inclusion, Peacemaking, Doubt, Justice, etc).